“Kids Around the World” is a charming exhibition that utilizes books to immerse visitors in the lives of children from various countries. The Japanese publisher Kaiseisha, commemorating its 80th anniversary, has specially released a commemorative box set titled “Seikai no Tomodachi.” This set includes 36 picture and photography books, showcasing the daily lives of children from 36 different countries. Through exquisite photography and illustrations, it brings the vibrant colors of the world to readers. These vivid images are captured by photographers who visited the locations, presenting the natural demeanor of children in their homes, schools, and during play, thereby highlighting the unique cultural allure of each region.
Within the pages, beyond merely showcasing the endearing aspects of children’s daily routines and education from around the world, lies a deeper narrative – one that gently unveils the children’s perspectives and values amidst their rich cultural tapestries. With a gentle stride, this collection of books gently leads readers into broader horizons.
As Taiwan Design Museum is currently hosting “Educational Textbook Design Exhibition 2024: SEE DIFFERENT ” it is not only showcasing the profoundly meaningful set of books, “Seikai No Tomodachi”, but also providing viewers with an opportunity to appreciate the rich diversity of contemporary educational materials. This exhibition allows visitors to delve into the various lifestyles of children around the world through these books, thereby broadening their imagination about the future possibilities of educational development.
Kids Around The World
Dates|3 May – 26 May, 2024 (Closed on Mondays)
Hours|10:00 – 18:00 (last ticket sold at 17:30)
Venue|Not Just Library
Ticket|online tickets https://reurl.cc/LWmX6y; box office https://reurl.cc/kO1qrb (purchase tickets at Design Pin)
Organizer|Industrial Development Administration, MOEA
Host|Not Just Library / Taiwan Design Research Institute